


The Asian Heart Institute observed World Heart Day 2024 by highlighting the increasing cases of heart diseases in India. Chairman & Chief Cardiac Surgeon, Dr. Ramakanta Panda, said: “The theme for this year is ‘Use Heart for Action,’ a clarion call to be active in heart care; otherwise, the trend of heart disease becoming a menace to the younger generation continues to alarm.”.

Traditionally, the heart diseases were a common phenomenon from which the elderly people suffered, and with the modern way of life, this idea was reversed. Now, the scenario is at the other end, and young adults-the fitness freaks-are experiencing significant heart events. India annually experiences millions of heart-related episodes and fatalities, and a large proportion of cases of myocardial infarction is caused by coronary artery disease. The unhealthy lifestyle and genetic predisposition fail, which forms this disturbing trend.

Causes of Heart Disease in India

According to Dr. Panda, there are just a few major life style causes that have led to the sudden rise in heart disorders.

Sedentary Lifestyle:

In a race where most human population spends considerable time at work or traveling, very little physical activity takes place, resulting in obesity, diabetes, and other metabolic disorders.


Fats, sugars, and over-accumulation in fried foods make up most diets. All these show high levels of obesity and hence high cholesterol-the major risk factors of heart diseases.


Chronic stress constitutes the other major risk factor. The levels of hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline are relatively higher and continue increasing, causing a rise in heart rates and blood pressures over time, which strain the cardiovascular system.

Poor Sleep Hygiene:

Poor sleep hygiene contributes to a long line of health problems. Stress can actually worsen with the aid of poor sleep, paving the road for other worst habits in life.

Shying Away from Follow-Up Check-Ups:

Most Indians shy away from doing regular follow-up check-ups. It is this hesitation that lands an individual with the risk factor of having high blood pressure or cholesterol levels, where immediate interventions might be hard to take.

Genetics Plays a Role

The other risk identified by this theory is the possibility that one may suffer from heart diseases. If someone’s relatives have a past problem of heart conditions, then he or she is more exposed; in fact, most of these risk customers have a set of undesirable lifestyle habits and genetic conditions like high cholesterol, which might make them more vulnerable to cardiovascular illnesses and hence need information and self-management.

Heart Disease Rate

Statistical figures regarding heart disease in India are alarming. There is a rise in heart attacks related to people in their early 20s and 30s. In a world which is facing an ascendancy of lifestyle diseases, prevention is all the more important measure in which the burden of heart disease will increase unless taken seriously.

Reducing Heart Disease Risk

More Physical Activity:

Engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week. Examples include brisk walking, cycling, and swimming.

Good Diet:

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can reduce cholesterol and inflammation. The lesser, the better-the amount of processed foods and sugars you consume.

Stress Management:

Interventions of stress reduction like mindfulness, yoga, or meditation often contribute to reductions in cortisol and thus overall health.

Quality Sleep:

Frequency of sleep at hour milestones while making the environment to allow for rest eventually boosts the quality of sleep, which benefits the heart.

Periodical Health Checkup:

Annual checkup and screening of cholesterol, blood pressure, and sugar levels can be done to identify the possible risk factors of heart disease on time.

Smocking and Alcohol Avoidance:

The amount of chances that heart diseases can take away can be reduced a lot by avoiding smoking and alcohol.


There are enough activities that would help us to a healthier lifestyle on World Heart Day. There has to be preventive care and a balanced diet, stress within limits, and no health check-ups avoided under any circumstances whatsoever. As told by Dr. Panda, our heart health is both a matter of collective responsibility and personal concern.

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